Compression Socks and How Do They Work?
The increased blood circulation helps with maintaining the good health of your legs. They are often recommended by doctors for physiotherapy sessions.
Next, you have to choose the compression level of the socks. The level starts from mild and ends up with an X-firm (highest level of compression) Each compression level is designed to provide a certain set of benefits.
Here’s how you can choose between the levels of compression socks:
The most common and widely chosen compression socks. The mild pressure feels therapeutic on your legs. It provides relief from tired legs.
It works well for muscle cramps, fatigue, and swelling from prolonged standing or sitting.
It also helps in better and faster recovery post physical activities like sports, running, cycling, skating. It’s ideal for anyone whose work demands most of their day standing or sitting.
The moderate level should be chosen by the people experiencing varicose veins.
It provides relief of minor to moderate varicose and spider veins. It’s also recommended when you have a blood clot.
It works best for anyone who has long traveling plans or is always on the move, for ex: hikers.
Our Bamboo Compression Socks fall into the mild category. It's designed to help sports enthusiasts and everyday hustlers to perform better and recover faster.
In our next blog, we will talk about the two more levels of compression socks - Firm & Extra Firm.
We hope it helps you to choose the right level for your therapy and sports sessions.
Until next time!