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Versatile Healthy Drinks

Water is critical in keeping us hydrated all year round. Remember the advice to drink eight glasses per day? However, the taste of water can leave you feeling bored and more interested in reaching for something else.


Luckily, there are actually several beverages that can do you one favour or another while spicing up your waterlogged palette.


A few versatile health drinks are:-


 1. Ragi Malt:- If you are looking for a quick and healthy breakfast, try this one. Considering the nutritional and therapeutic value of Ragi for the human body, it is definitely a must include in our diets. 


Benefits:- Gluten free, Rich in fiber, High in  calcium, Amino acids, vitamin D.


2. Turmeric Milk:- Turmeric has antibacterial and viral properties and has been considered a super herb since ancient times. Also adding a pinch of  Black pepper helps in absorbing the turmeric in the body. Have it before 1 hour of going to bed.


Benefits:- Excellent Body detoxifier, Body purifier, cleanses blood vessels, flushes out toxins, kills cancer cells, Anti-ageing, improves skin tone.



3. Buttermilk:- Do you feel bloated after having heavy or spicy meals or feel thirsty throughout the day? Then it’s a must-have for people with weak digestion. Don't forget to add a few mint leaves, cumin seeds and a bit of ginger juice to it.


Benefits:- Rich in Vit B and Calcium, Probiotics.


 4. Coconut Water:- This is a natural energy drink that detoxifies the body. Ideally, the right time to drink it before 12 noon for max benefit. And, even after an intensive workout session to hydrate our body.


Benefits:- Biologically pure, potassium equal to 4 bananas, electrolyte balance, prevents hypertension.


5. Sugarcane Juice:- It is an answer to people who have a sweet tooth and crave for something sweet to drink especially in the summer. It is a super juice among all other fruit juices. It is rich in nutrients as well. Adding ginger and mint to it will even more improve your digestion!


Benefits:- Rich in iron, calcium, phosphorus, antioxidants, Cures common cold and boosts immunity, Fights fever and other infections, Boosts energy, Strengthens liver, Relieves constipation, Removes Bad breath and Tooth Decay.


We believe that all the above drinks are very convenient and can be added in our fast-paced busy lives, as feeling good is what actually matters.

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